Office Chairs

Pros & Cons of Different Office Chair Materials

When you are looking for a good office chair, then you probably already realized that you have a wide range of options in what concerns office chair materials. 

From mesh to fabric, leather or even vinyl office chairs, you have plenty of options. So which one should you choose? Should you simply go with the design? With the price? Or what really matters?

office chair materials

Ultimately, you need to keep in mind that all office chair materials have their own pros and cons. And that choosing one over the other may be the best option for you but the worst for someone else. 

While you should always consider your personal tastes, you should also consider your office conditions so as well as your tasks to ensure that you are picking the best office chair for you. 

Pros & Cons of Different Office Chair Materials

#1: Mesh Office Chairs:

Simply put, mesh office chairs usually offer a breathable mesh covering the chair to ensure that the air can go through. This allows you to be comfortable even when the temperature at your office tends to get high. 

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#2: Leather Office Chairs:

Leather Office Chairs

When you are looking for a more prestigious look, then there’s no question that you should take a closer look at the office chairs upholstered with this type of material. However, this material has its own drawbacks. The first one is obviously the price especially when you are considering a real or genuine leather office chair. In the second place, this type of office chair requires some maintenance and care. For example, you should ensure that you don’t leave your leather office chair in the direct sunlight as well as you should make sure that you clean it on a regular basis. 

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#3: Fabric Office Chairs:

Fabric Office Chairs:

Many people tend to confuse mesh office chairs with fabric office chairs. However, these office chair materials are quite different. Besides the price, the reality is that the main difference is in terms of breathability. After all, fabric office chairs aren’t breathable. 

Notice that it is quite common to find some office chairs that come with fabric and mesh as well. In most cases, manufacturers use fabric to cover the seat and breathable mesh to cover the back of the office chair. The main goal is to deliver a wide range of colors that only fabric office chairs tend to include but also the comfort of being able to work cool at the same time. 

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One of the major drawbacks of this type of material is that it is susceptible to hold in odors as well as moisture. Besides, you should be careful if you tend to drink while you’re on your desk. After all, you can easily stain the fabric.

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#4: Vinyl Office Chairs:

Vinyl Office Chairs

When you are looking for sturdy office chairs, then you should try out vinyl office chairs. Made to last for a very long time, this material is probably one of the easiest to clean and maintain. 

On the negative side, vinyl is not a breathable material. So, if your office tends to get quite hot especially during summer months, this may not be a good option for you. 

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